王翔 |
发布时间: 2022-11-06 已浏览: 1132 次 |
王翔,研究员,硕士生导师 E-mail:wangxiang@cczu.edu.cn 教育经历: l 2001—2006:中国科学院生物物理研究所,生物物理学,获得博士学位 l 1997—2001:河北大学生命科学学院,微生物学,获得学士学位 工作经历: l 2018—:常州大学生物医学工程与健康科学研究院,研究员 l 2011—2018:挪威卑尔根大学生物医学系,研究员 l 2010—2011:挪威卑尔根大学生物医学系,高级工程师 l 2007—2010:挪威卑尔根大学生物医学系,博士后 主要研究方向: l 细胞间相互作用,以及群体细胞的力学生物学研究 l 微组织的力学生物学研究 l 微系统技术,如微流控、微结构在生物医学工程中的应用 代表性论文(第一及通讯作者论文) 1. Du R, Han X, Deng L*, Wang X*. Epithelial and mesenchymal phenotypes determine the dynamics of circulating breast tumor cells in microfluidic capillaries under chemotherapy-induced stress. Biomicrofluidics. 18 (2024):024106. (*通讯作者) 2. Wang Y, Han X, Deng L*, Wang X*. Tunneling nanotube-transmitted mechanical signal and its cellular response. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 693 (2024):149368. (*通讯作者) 3. Han X, Xu L, Dou T, Du R, Deng L*, Wang X*. Inhibitory Effects of Epithelial Cells on Fibrosis Mechanics of Microtissue and Their Spatiotemporal Dependence on the Epithelial-Fibroblast Interaction. ACS Biomater Sci Eng. 9 (2023):4846. (*通讯作者) 4. Li A, Han X, Deng L*, Wang X*. Mechanical properties of tunneling nanotube and its mechanical stability in human embryonic kidney cells. Front Cell Dev Biol. 10 (2022):955676. (*通讯作者) 5. Wang X*, Gao Q, Han X, Bu B, Wang L, Li A, Deng L*. Sensitive detection of cell-derived force and collagen matrix tension in microtissues undergoing large-scale densification. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 118 (2021):e2106061118. (*通讯作者) 6. Han X, Wang X*. Opportunities and Challenges in Tunneling Nanotubes Research: How Far from Clinical Application? Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22 (2021): 2306. (*通讯作者) 7. Wang X*, Deng L, Gjertsen BT. A microfluidic device for differential capture of heterogeneous rare tumor cells with epithelial and mesenchymal phenotypes. Anal Chim Acta 1129 (2020): 1-11. (*通讯作者) 8. Bittins M, Wang X*. TNT-Induced Phagocytosis: Tunneling nanotubes mediate the transfer of pro-phagocytic signals from apoptotic to viable cells. J Cell Physiol. 232 (2017): 2271-2279. (*通讯作者) 9. Wang X*, Gerdes HH. Transfer of mitochondria via tunneling nanotubes rescues apoptotic PC12 cells. Cell Death Diff. 22 (2015): 1181-1191 (*通讯作者) (The Scientist 引用www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/43835/title/Mitochondria-Exchange/ ) 10. Austefjord MW, Gerdes HH, Wang X*. Tunneling nanotubes: Diversity in morphology and structure. Commun Integr Biol. 7 (2014): e27934. (*通讯作者) 11. Andresen V*, Wang X*, Ghimire S, Omsland M, Gjertsen BT, Gerdes HH. Tunneling nanotube (TNT) formation is independent of p53 expression. Cell Death Diff. 20 (2013):1124. (*第一作者) 12. Wang X*, Bukoreshtliev NV, Gerdes HH. Developing neurons form transient nanotubes facilitating electrical coupling and calcium signaling with distant astrocytes. PLoS One. 7 (2012): e47429. (*第一作者) 13. Mandragon I, Wang X*, Gerdes HH*. Spatio-temporal analysis of tamoxifen-induced bystander effects in breast cancer cells using microfluidics. Biomicrofluidics. 6 (2012): 24128. (*通讯作者) 14. Wang X*, Gerdes HH. Long-distance electrical coupling via tunneling nanotubes. Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembrane. 1818 (2012): 2082-2086. (*第一作者) 15. Wang X*, Veruki ML, Bukoreshtliev NV, Hartveit E, Gerdes HH. Animal cells connected by nanotubes can be electrically coupled through interposed gap-junction channels. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107 (2010):17194-17199. (*第一作者) (Nature报导引用www.nature.com/news/2010/100920/full/news.2010.482.html a) www.nature.com/news/cell-biology-the-new-cell-anatomy-1.9476 b) www.nature.com/news/how-the-internet-of-cells-has-biologists-buzzing-1.22645) 16. Bukoreshtliev NV*, Wang X*, Hodneland E*, Gurke S, Barroso JF, Gerdes HH. Selective block of tunneling nanotube (TNT) formation inhibits intercellular organelle transfer between PC12 cells. FEBS Lett. 583 (2009):1481-1488. (*第一作者) 17. Wang X*, Zhao HF, Zhang GJ. Mechanism of cytosol phospholipase C and sphingomyelinase induced lysosome destabilization. Biochimie. 88 (2006): 913-922.(*第一作者) 18. Wang X*, Wang LL*, Zhang GJ. Guanosine 5’-[γ-thio]triphosphate-mediated activation of cytosol phospholipase C caused lysosomal destabilization. J. Membr. Biol. 211 (2006): 55-63. (*第一作者) 教学与科研项目: l 项目负责人,国家自然科学基金面上项目(2020-2023) l 项目负责人,江苏省自然科学基金面上项目(2019-2021) l 项目负责人, Microfluidic device for rapid collection and phenotyping of circulating tumor cells (2016–2018),挪威癌症学会. l 博士后项目负责人, Cell-cell interactions during apoptosis of cancer cells (2013–2015),挪威癌症学会. l 实验项目负责人, Cell-cell interactions during apoptosis of cancer cells (2013–2016),西挪威卫生局. l 项目负责人, Cell-cell interactions during apoptosis of cancer cells (2012–2015),挪威卑尔根研究基金会. 个人荣誉: l 江苏省特聘教授,江苏教育厅,中国,2020. l Meltzers Grant. L. Meltzers Høyskolefond基金会,挪威, 2017. l Career Development Research Fellowship.挪威癌症学会,2016. l Meltzers Grant. L. Meltzers Høyskolefond基金会,挪威, 2013. l Young Researcher Fellowship in Translational Medicine.挪威卑尔根研究基金会, 2012. |
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