

   发布时间: 2022-11-06    已浏览: 1095


潘芳  讲师,博士



l  2004. 09 - 2009. 05       英国曼彻斯特大学      博士(PhD)学位

l  1999. 09 - 2004. 06        扬州大学医学院          医学学士学位


l  2019. 06 -至今           常州大学,医学与健康工程学院

l  2014. 08 - 2018. 05        英国曼彻斯特大学和阿斯利康英国公司(MedImmune子公司),博士后研究员

l  2011. 01 - 2014. 07        英国曼彻斯特大学和联合利华(Unilever)英国公司,博士后研究员

l  2009. 05 - 2011. 01        英国曼彻斯特大学,博士后研究员

l  2005. 05 - 2005. 07        瑞典Uppsala大学,访问研究员


l  医学微生物学

l  医用化学


l  短肽自组装及功能多肽

l  生物胶体与生物界面

l  生物材料与组织工程

l  基因、药物递送


l  英国自然科学基金项目(EPSRC):A combined experimental and modelling approach to antibody adsorption and desorption (2014 - 2018)

l  英国自然科学基金项目(EPSRC)和英国联合利华公司KTP项目:Development of methodology for the screening of bioactive molecules that show favorable binding affinity towards keratin substrates (2011 - 2014)


[1]      Pan, F.; Lau, K.; Messersmith, P.; Lu, J. R.; Zhao, X., Interfacial Assembly Inspired by Marine Mussels and Anti-fouling Effects of Polypeptoids: A Neutron Reflection Study. Langmuir2020, 36, 12309-12318

[2]      Li, Z.#; Pan, F.#; Li, R.; Pambou, E.; Hu, X.; Ruane, S.; Ciumac, D. M.; Li, P.; Welbourn, R. J. L.; Webster, J. R. P.; Bishop, S. M.; Walle, C. F. v. d.; Lu, J. R., Co-adsorption of a Monoclonal Antibody and Nonionic Surfactant at the SiO2/water Interface. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2018, 10, 4425744266. (#共同一作)

[3]      Pan, F.; Li, Z.; Gong, H.; Petkov, J.; Lu, J. R., Membrane-lytic actions of sulphonated methyl ester surfactants and implications to bactericidal effect and cytotoxicity. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2018, 531, 18-27.

[4]      Pan, F.; Li, Z.; Leyshon, T.; Rouse, D.; Li, R.; Smith, C.; Campana, M.; Webster, J. R. P.; Bishop, S. M.; Narwal, R.; Walle, C. F. v. d.; Warwicker, J.; Lu, J. R., Interfacial Adsorption of Monoclonal Antibody COE-3 at the Solid/Water Interface. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2018, 10, 1306-1316.

[5]      Pan, F.; Lu, Z.; Tucker, I.; Hosking, S.; Petkov, J.; Lu, J. R., Surface Active Complexes Formed between Keratin Polypeptides and Ionic Surfactants. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2016, 484, 125-134.

[6]      Li, Z.; Li, R.; Smith, C.; Pan, F.; Campana, M.; Webster, J. R. P.; Walle, C. F. v. d.; Uddin, S.; Bishop, S. M.; Narwal, R.; Warwicker, J.; Lu, J. R., Neutron Reflection Study of Surface Adsorption of Fc, Fab, and the Whole mAb. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2017, 9, 23202-23211.

[7]      Xia, Y.; Tang, Y.; Wu, H.; Zhang, J.; Li, Z.; Pan, F.; Wang, S.; Wang, X.; Xu, H.; Lu, J. R., Fabrication of Patterned Thermoresponsive Microgel Strips on Cell-Adherent Background and Their Application for Cell Sheet Recovery. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2017, 9 (2), 1255-1262.

[8]      Smith, C.; Li, Z.; Holman, R.; Pan, F.; Campbell, R. A.; Campana, M.; Li, P.; Webster, J. R. P.; Bishop, S.; Narwal, R.; Uddin, S.; Walle, C. F. v. d.; Lu, J. R., Antibody Adsorption on the Surface of Water Studied by Neutron Reflection. mAbs2017, 9, 466-475.

[9]      Chen, C.; Yang, C.; Chen, Y.; Wang, F.; Mu, Q.; Zhang, J.; Li, Z.; Pan, F.; Xu, H.; Lu, J. R., Surface Physical Activity and Hydrophobicity of Designed Helical Peptide Amphiphiles Control Their Bioactivity and Cell Selectivity. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2016, 8, 26501-26510.

[10]   Jiang, L.; Wang, Y.; Pan, F.; Zhao, X.; Zhang, H.; Lei, M.; Liu, T.; Lu, J. R., Synergistic Effect of Bioactive Lipid and Condition Medium on Cardiac Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Different Tissues. Cell Biochemistry and Function2016, 34 (3), 163-172.

[11]   Xia, Y.; Tang, Y.; He, X.; Pan, F.; Li, Z.; Xu, H.; Lu, J. R., Patterned Thermoresponsive Microgel Surfaces to Control Cell Detachment. Biomacromolecules2016, 17, 572-579.

[12]   Lu, Z.; Pan, F.; Wang, D.; Campana, M.; Xu, H.; Tucker, I. M.; Petkov, J. T.; Webster, J.; Lu, J. R., Unusual Surface and Solution Behaviour of Keratin Polypeptides. RSC Advances2016, 6, 105192-105201.

[13]   Jayawardane, D.; Pan, F.; Lu, J. R.; Zhao, X., Interfacial Adsorption of Silk Fibroin Peptides and Their Interaction with Surfactants at the Solid-Water Interface. Langmuir 2016,32, 8202-8211.

[14]   Xia, Y.; Tang, Y.; He, X.; Pan, F.; Li, Z.; Xu, H.; Lu, J. R., Patterned Thermoresponsive Microgel Surfaces to Control Cell Detachment. Biomacromolecules2016, 17, 572-579.

[15]   Chen, C.; Hu, J.; Yang, C.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, F.; Mu, Q.; Pan, F.; Xu, H.; Lu, J. R., Amino Acid Side Chains Affect the Bioactivity of Designed Short Peptide Amphiphiles. Journal of Materials Chemistry B2016, 4 (13), 2359-2368.

[16]   Chen, C.; Chen, Y.; Yang, C.; Zeng, P.; Xu, H.; Pan, F.; Lu, J. R., High Selective Performance of Designed Antibacterial and Anticancer Peptide Amphiphiles. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2015, 7, 17346-17355.

[17]   Jayawardane, D.; Pan, F.; Lu, J. R.; Zhao, X., Co-adsorption of Peptide Amphiphile V6K and Conventional Surfactants SDS and C12TAB at the Solid/Water Interface. Soft Matter2015, 11, 7986-7994.